Aaron and I went to our friends pumpkin patch tonight to get our massive pumpkin. We have made it a yearly tradition to get our pumpkins from them and we love it.
Welcoming baby Been hehe. Her first bath.
I look like a massive pumpkin.
Our baby girl got a pumpkin too this year :) And daddy got a 33.2 pounder!
Here are a few more crafts I've done. I am still working on a few things but I have definitely slowed down.

Amy and I had a double baby shower and she just actually had her baby on 10/11/13! I am so happy for them!
How Far Along? 38 weeks
Weight Gained? Lots
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely
Stretch marks? Yup.
Sleep? Eh, its alright. I think I am just getting used to waking up a lot throughout the night. I have, however, been lucky up until just recently that I only had to go to the bathroom about once a night. Now its more like 3 or 4 times a night.
Best Moment This Week? I have an induction date set for next Wednesday the 23rd!!! So if she doesn't come before then, then she will be born on October 23rd, 2013 :)
Movement? She moves and dances in my belly so much. She is a cutie...and will probably be a handful :)
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? No, not food anyway. I have been randomly feeling nauseous at night again though.
Belly Button In or Out? It's pretty flat right now. It's becoming non-existent as Aaron says.
Wedding Rings On or Off? It is still off due to the fact that I have become allergic to my wedding ring. I really hope that this allergy goes away after I have her.
Looking Forward To? He coming!! She will be here so soon!
Missing Anything? Not feeling like a whale.
Food Cravings? No, not really.
Labor Signs? Yes, I have been having braxton hicks for about 3 weeks now. They are continually getting stronger and coming more frequently.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time? Oh brother, I have been super moody haha. I am done being pregnant okay?
Symptoms? I have some swelling in my legs and feet/ankles and then the practice contractions that I've been having.
The pumpkin is hilarious. That is a huge one. You are so cute and almost have that baby here. I am soooo excited for you guys. Cant believe that you will have a baby next week. Its getting real!